
Share our story

We are unleashing the untapped potential of residential communities to boost social well-being, shared services and economies of scale.

Sharon Klaver, Michael van Lier and Michael Steinmann, founding partners of Obeyo

About Obeyo

Obeyo is the leading platform for residential communities to help operators and their residents thrive. Headquartered in Rotterdam, Netherlands, Obeyo makes communities come to life by enabling residents to build genuine connections, streamlining all communications, making shared services accessible, and connecting them to smart building features.

Michael Steinmann, founder & CEO at Obeyo: “Remote work and the increased feeling of loneliness represent the biggest legacy of COVID-19, while also having a huge impact on the future of living. With Obeyo we help operators upgrade their living experience by adding a social layer to their properties and therefore future-proofing their business.”

“We initially focused on the co-living niche, but community is an increasingly important topic in the broader residential living segment - from student accommodations to multifamily housing and senior living facilities; so today, we work with all of them.”

Press kit

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